My Flight Journal

Saturday, October 11, 2003 10:19am

Made my first post-solo flights yesterday and I can't even log them. My buddy Eric brought his 182 up from Miami and I flew it (with him the right seat) up to Gainesville (GNV) last night. Had dinner with an old girlfriend of mine, then I flew it back, arriving in Sanford about 5 minutes before they closed (11pm).

We were IFR so he did all the talking while I did all the flying. Even got some actual IMC [instrument meteorological conditions] time in. We took the visual approach in to GNV, but I flew the ILS into SFB (that's twice now, and both times at night).

I gotta say the 182 is sooooo much nicer than the 172 for x-countries. We were getting a ground speed of 135kts. The constant speed prop and extra gauges really aren't that big a deal to handle. It lands pretty much like a 172 also, though it does seem to like to float a little more. And 40 degrees of flaps rock. Practically falls outta the sky.

So I have two more x-countries, a night x-country, and almost 2 hrs of complex time that I can't log.

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  1. In the beginning   (pages 1 - 5)   6. Hurricane Season Begins   (pages 42 - 47)
  2. Pre-Solo   (pages 6 - 21)   7. Hurricane Season Ends   (pages 48 - 54)
  3. First Solo!   (pages 22 - 26)   8. Solo Cross-Countries   (pages 55 - 58)
  4. First Night XC   (pages 27 - 32)   9. Checkride!   (page 59)
  5. Longest Flight Yet   (pages 33 - 41)  
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